A Grateful Thanksgiving
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A Grateful Thanksgiving
A warm Happy Thanksgiving from our Peaks Recovery Family to yours! In this short and fun episode our leaders share what they are grateful for, and give their personal thanks.
- Jason Friesema shares his gratefulness and thanks
- Chris Burns shares his gratefulness and thanks
- Brandon Burns shares his gratefulness and thanks
- Clinton Nicholson shares his gratefulness and thanks
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Grateful and thankful because I truly do feel like I am a part of something special. It’s out of that great energy that we continue forward with quality care and saving people’s lives each and every day. Profoundly filled with gratitude for all of that.
Episode Transcripts
all right welcome everybody to a very short episode of finding peeks today really it’s a holiday season we got the thanksgiving coming up in that regard it’s literally today it is literally i guess it’s restored i’m obviously around all of the hosts today and the people have been you know continually a big part of this here at finding peaks and so a lot of energy in this room trying to um level one up over me at this time it’s okay i’m i’m secure in my host seat now at this moment but really today we just want to start with what are we grateful for here at peaks recovery centers and just take this brief opportunity to share that with you all and um i know i’m grateful for the past year a lot’s gone on here at peak’s recovery but don’t want to kick it off with me i think in general fashion as i do we’ll lean right into jason friesman chief clinical officer of peace recovery centers and jason what are we thankful for here let’s go well i gotta say this is uh when that question was posed to me i actually reflected on just a few weeks ago i i was interviewing a clinician candidate um who i think probably pulled the question off of the interweb on what to ask during the interview and she asked me what my best day at peaks was and i said my best day is actually today because it was wednesday and wednesdays are the days that i get to meet with the clinical team and so i’m just so incredibly grateful to be able to be a part of a team um that is uh diverse that has different perspectives um that passionately carries forward the division that we all share in this room full stop love it love you man yeah absolutely yeah um well we’ll just let’s go around the room here all right good counterclockwise counterclockwise yeah chris burns president founder of course if that was or also known as uh big burnsie cheerleader no he’s emergency he is our motivational specialist yeah yeah i like that definitely yeah because it was cheerleader and he’s like no it’s gonna be like motivational specialists yeah um you know i was just chatting with the guys before the show um i’m grateful for a tremendous amount today the last year has been wildly intense with the pandemic i’m reminded of this week a year ago this week and that was a time when we unfortunately had to shut down our women’s program we didn’t have any testing supplies we didn’t understand the pandemic like we do now um and for guys like brandon and i um who have showed up and clinton and jason and all of the team that have showed up and poured their hearts and souls into this thing last year was a very real realization that this could go away and that was very scared sad somewhat hurt because it was so much out of our control and i’m grateful to be sitting in this chair today with great team members by our side and in addition to that i’m grateful that peaks recovery is here to continue to help vulnerable people and really more than anything i’m grateful for the team’s trust throughout the process i’m a young professional i started young i make a lot of mistakes and the team has just really trusted us throughout this process and gotten behind us and it’s just really meant the world so i’m grateful to be sitting here today in a peaks recovery center program who can help more people today than ever and is stronger today than ever so i just couldn’t be more proud so thank you thank you thanks chris um it’s powerful uh for me um yeah it it really you know i got elevated to the ceo role in i think june or july of 2020 and uh you know didn’t understand or know what was what i was really you know becoming a part of in a really big way in that regard and you know the pandemic caused a lot of strain on our staff on our company culture and that strain led into kind of the closing of our you know our women’s program uh this time last year in november and there was just a lot of hurtful things and fear that was created for myself in the process and to come into 2021 and to have you come into the role of chief um operating officer as well too which has just been a tremendous value to this company culture i think collectively there’s a lot of people missing in this room who’ve contributed to the success of the company in the last year and the continuation of our mission to save lives um but we showed up in a big way and i think we’ve learned how to uh manage a company culture in a way that we’ve never done as a you know kind of thinking of what you were stating chris there’s a there’s a certain immaturity that takes place for young you know business owners and leaders in that regard and you just don’t see everything that you could be taught in you know a master’s program and so forth in business and school and um so to be here in this state to be serving women again in programming to have a robust iop program that i think is just invaluably serving that side of our patient demographic to have the health to look forward as leaders in the organization to our team meetings and everything that’s brought to us in those moments just grateful and thankful because i really do feel like i’m a part of something special and it’s out of that energy that we continue forward with quality care and saving people’s lives each and every day and just profoundly filled with uh yeah gratitude for all of that so thanks friend all right top all that yeah jeez that’s a it’s a high bar all right well i will do my best deep into the field i’m gonna have to crack that door open all right here we go uh like you guys mentioned um it was a year ago almost exactly this week that the women’s program closed um and it was actually a year ago uh last week that i started so i i walking into a new job into a new role into a new company and within days having about 30 percent of it shut down and watching staff go away and and seeing this and seeing um a real true impact of what a pandemic can do to not only to a business but just to individual lives and the way that it impacted um people in need who didn’t have access to treatment because of that was that was really pretty poignant for me and um i had a very real moment where i had to ask myself should i stay and it was uh yeah and i decided that i believed in this place i just started but i for some reason i just knew that it was the right move and i am extremely grateful that i made the right decision so thank you guys thank you thank you absolutely well i love you guys glad we could take this opportunity to share in this special moment together and you know celebrate uh thanksgiving and our what we’re grateful for here at peaks and you know again as we uh go into the holidays collectively all together in this regard you know give grace to your loved ones addiction and mental health is a real thing um i know not all families experience it but many families do and so just give your loved ones grace and there is hope there’s places like peaks other excellent opportunities out there on the other side of the holidays in that regard to get help for your loved one in that regard so um love you all thank you so much for being with us for walking through these episodes with us and uh looking forward to the next episode on the other side of the holidays take care everybody happy thanksgiving happy thanksgiving