COD Services Overview
Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment
Levels of Care We Offer
Below, the Levels of Care begin with our highest (Inpatient) and move through to our lowest (IOP) Level of Care.
Unsure what our Levels of Care mean?

Addictions & Mental Health Disorders We Treat
Peaks Recovery offers a safe and comfortable environment to heal for a wide range of co-occurring disorders, including any of the following combined substance use and mental health disorder:
Substance Use Disorders:
Mental Health Disorders:
These are the primary mental health diagnoses we encounter with our clients. We are equipped to treat other mental health disorders such as – grief and loss, self-harm, ADD, ADHD, codependency, panic, abandonment, anger, body dysmorphia, chronic illness, delusions, personality disorders, and others.
We Work Well With –

Don’t see your insurance? Don’t worry. We work well with many other insurance providers. Call us today to discuss your insurance & treatment options.
*All calls and forms are 100% confidential and HIPAA compliant

Our Model of Care
A BioPsychoSocial Model of Care within an Integrated Environment
Our team diligently thought about our Model of Care to provide the knowledge and proper understanding of our residential treatment program. We wanted to ensure you the transparency you deserve because we understand choosing a treatment center can be a big decision.
We know that is a lot to digest, so we explain it further on our Model of Care page.
A Full Dual Diagnosis Program within an Integrated Environment
Successfully treating individuals with co-occurring disorders requires an integrated, comprehensive, person-centered, and recovery-oriented program. Peaks Recovery is a complete Dual Diagnosis Program within an Integrated Environment so recovery can encompass the individual more effectively.