Welcoming The New Year
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Welcoming The New Year
A Happy New Year from our Peaks Recovery Family to yours! In this short and fun episode, our leaders share their hopes and goals for 2022.
- Each team member speaks on their goals for 2022
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Happy New Year!
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hey happy new year from us at peaks we have a special episode today a powerhouse full couch quinn loves sitting in the middle i will say that he’s uh really comfortable and uh excited to be here i can tell um so anyway we just wanted to say happy new year to all of you and as part of that we are going to go around and share our goals starting with you christopher burns hello hello everybody welcome to the to the show here today and happy new year uh we are coming off 2021 in which for personally really personally for the last 13 years i’ve had the best year of my life every year which has been a goal of mine and something that i’ve been able to walk through but i’m actually getting ready to go on an intention trip not a new year’s resolution trip but an intention trip and i want to set some really good intention this year both personally and professionally and personally a goal for me is to really dump more energy into the great relationships that i have in my life today both family and personal to spend more quality time to be more intentional in that time that we spend and to really anchor into some really great friends that i have that because this year has been so busy i haven’t had the opportunity to get coffee consistently and so that’s what i’m striving for personally and it kind of ties into professional and then the biggest thing that i want to do for the peaks recovery team as well as clients and i’m grateful for this opportunity and this awareness and it is a goal it is to be more present and be more embodied throughout this year than i have ever been and i’m learning um how attractive that can be to the people that it needs to be attractive to and so i just want to really practice this year being where i’m at spending those intentional moments that matter um and connecting wholeheartedly in another year so looking forward to it i cannot wait let’s go yeah let’s go only one day away
yeah well happy new year everybody uh super excited it’s been several weeks since i’ve been able to be in the host sheet your favorite host of course so our ceo yeah ceo brandon burns title drop that’s important he missed it it’s okay we’ll do it in the future but uh as you all know from episodes you’ve uh watched uh with me and witnessed um i my goal is just to continue to disrupt this industry like nothing gets me going in the morning more than not only the commitment through that disruption of quality care in the direction of like our patient our company our patients and our company culture our staff continuing to bring more people on to help those in need all of that greatly resonates with me and certainly under the mission of saving lives um in that regard and proof is in the pudding and that’s how peak shows up and i’m just excited to continue to do that so um i don’t know if that’s
any personal goals personal goal not be in that fire truck that ambulance that just went by um personal goal uh is just continue to develop my um my professional acumen about this industry uh continue to find um empathy for others when it’s challenging inside company culture uh moments um certainly as you guys know we take a lot of flack at times from the patient demographic and that’s a lot of energy to you know receive but at the same time um you know uh the individuals we treat and work with are suffering in that way and so i think you know just continuing continuing to lean into i think those aspects through uh empathy as a as a personal goal of mine uh moving forward so but mostly disrupting it yeah you were way more passionate about that i want to just want to affirm that they caught me yeah i thought it was a left brain thing and then they did the right brain thing so yeah yeah i mean that’s what happens when i sit in this seat yeah i’ll get you next time i know i get it it’s some sort of heady question um listen my goal my goal for this year i i feel like we have uh a team clinically that is ready to continue to grow and develop our curriculum and just continuing to elevate our professionalism i was talking to our clinical team earlier this week and i said we’re gonna we’re gonna have kind of an incubator of ideas as we uh continue to mold and develop our curriculum uh actually this month so i’m just really excited about that um professionally and getting that that out there and then also um just continuing to grow and develop our family program um i think we provide some really cool stuff during covid and i can’t wait to see what we can even do better and then personally i just uh similar to what chris said like i just really look forward to um i plan on just really emphasizing genuine and authentic relationships and uh conversations at every point i possibly can find so that’s it for me thanks jay yeah yeah happy new year shout out i didn’t hear it happy new year oh and i said it at the beginning okay sort of being the host all right uh man in the middle we’ve got a lot of hosts in here a lot of yeah should i say happy new year yeah okay
all right so uh goals uh so my personal goal is to get better at sharing uh personal space with people on couches you’re doing great that’s a great start
yeah he’s afraid he might be really good right now really comfortable yeah yeah no personal goals uh i think it’s always just to show up and i actually that’s going to be 100 into my professional goal to just show up as a leader um show up as um somebody who you can trust and lean into also to make peaks an amazing place to receive the highest level of care possible as well as making it uh one of the best places to work for our employees and staff and team and i think one of my long-term goals sort of professionally is just to continue to bridge the gap between uh substance use treatment and mental health treatment and help to to bridge those two worlds that we can finally have a cohesive way of helping people and providing uh a type of recovery that is meaningful across the board yep love that beautiful okay beautifully said thank you yeah all right aaron bring us home yeah okay so i’m saying happy new year as well yeah sure happy new year yeah well done thank you so much yeah i practice
so mine is also like a dual uh goal i think just as a human being continuing to grow and i’m also in therapy that’s fantastic recommend it um so that’s going well continuing to do that just not being stagnant as a person and just continuing to grow and develop and that is also true for my professional goal um so continuing to grow and develop my team who is very willing to do so and i’m very fortunate for that just continuing to train and improve and support each other and have the best 2022. that’s it absolutely thank you aaron you’re so welcome and then your goal uh for the years to follow peaks on facebook spotify instagram tick tock great transition yeah that’s great i’m a professional yeah i think they should put their goals in the comments put your goals in the comments finding peeks at peaksrecovery.com yeah and we will read them and hold you accountable to following your goals for the year so anyway some things okay someone’s goal wins no we’re gonna do this we should do like a five second countdown and go happy new year okay three two one happy new year