Episode 138
More Than a Game: Mark Kelbel on Mentorship and Fearless Golf
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In this episode, Chris Burns brings Nik Darrah back to the show to welcome our special guest, Mark Kelbel! Mark is the former golf pro at the Broadmoor golf course and the founder and chairman of Fearless Golf. Fearless Golf allows Mark to open doors and present opportunities to teens and young adults to help foster healthy and successful transitions into adulthood. From hearing moments in Marks’s story that lead him in this direction to the profound impact these opportunities have for young people, this conversation will surely captivate and educate everyone on a rarely acknowledged topic. For further information on Mark and Fearless Golf or to find donation opportunities, check out Newhorizonsfoundation.com.
Talking Points
- Introduction to the show
- Nik’s connection to Mark
- Authenticity is key
- Mark’s story
- The power of responsibility
- Opening communities to everyone
- Benefits to golfing
- Isolation is a killer
- The importance of trust
- Looking at child-adult relationships
- Fear of judgment
- Family in Recovery
- Answering your calling
- Ripples in life
- Reaching Mike
- Newhorizonsfoundation.com for donations
- Final thoughts
“Kids especially need an advocate, they need somebody in their corner to cheer them on. And I tell kids, look if you dont have a mentor, find one because you gotta have a cheerleader.”
Episode Transcripts
kids especially need an advocate they need somebody in their corner to cheer them on and I tell kids look if you don’t have a mentor find one um because you got to have a cheerleader I want to give people a reason to shave to change their clothes to get a shower to meet people somewhere to have a cup of coffee to to go putt so important that these kids feel welcome in an environment they would not normally even think about going the greatest form of motivation is encouragement yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey everybody and welcome to another amazing exciting and of course enthusiastic episode of Finding Peaks Yours Truly president and founder Chris Burns humbled and honored to be here today with Mark kellbell founder chairman of fearless golf also prior uh pro at the Broadmore this guy on a good day he just told me he’s a scratch golfer on a good day not today because it’s snowing outside also joined by my co-host good friend and one of my most amazing friends and uh humans in the world Nicholas are our Outreach director let’s go welcome thank you thank thank you Chris so good to have you guys I wanted to kind of start out I don’t want to get into like my little Q&A we just spent a good amount of time connecting I want Nick to talk about his connection with you because it goes this goes back five years yeah at least you know we’re talking about the nonprofit the place we’re talking about about mountain springs we’re talking about Broadmore we’re talking about Peaks recovery this has been an evolutionary relationship and I’m so grateful um that Nick introduced me to you but uh want to give him the opportunity to kind of uh go through that a little bit sure yeah absolutely I mean it’s so I feel so blessed and fortunate honestly to to have this friendship in our life right like uh it all started at the place which is a youth homeless shelter in Colorado Springs and you actually reached out I believe with Karen and we’re able to get us going over there so we took a group by I think it was like five or six of the youth over who had never played golf in their life never thought they could play golf in their life and learned how to do it in a day and just the confidence and self-esteem you see growth in that moment right of like I can do something different I can show up different it was so impactful for me right and then getting to know you some throughout that process too I could feel this like genuine connection right this like genuine person who really just is there and wants to help people and show up and that was really what I was like okay this is the dude he’s super cool it’s going to be great and so I’ve really TR tried to make sure that we stay in contact and just um work together as much as we can you know you’re able and willing to come and do a free group when I was at Mountain Springs recovery for our clients which is phenomenal and it just really I think speaks to your heart and your passion well thank you Nick and certainly I felt the same way you know Nick and I had a quick uh connection we were able to relate and I could tell that he cared about the same things that I cared about about helping people and how to go about it and uh and his willingness to think out of the box with with the golf too you know Nick was not very familiar with golf but he gave it a shot I’ve always liked his style I’ve always liked the way Nick treated people I always like the way he treated me yeah and so I wanted to be around him just as a friend but I could he was an exceptional professional for these kids and and and that’s been my whole goal is I’m just trying to lighten the load of these kids to act as a resource that to cover their flanks to to take some burden off their mind that hey there are people out there that are willing to help me um in the smallest of ways but you know as as those kind of snowballed um to get them a little confidence and to get them around the right people and and so we had we had that in common and it just worked didn’t it Nick so it did it’s been a blessing yeah that’s a really I appreciate you guys sharing that just wanted to be able to touch on that cuz there there’s some history and um I think it’s cool to come into this place and I think you guys both speak to it so clearly uh but what I think you both identify in each other is like this authenticity yes in this you know the last hour or 45 minutes I’ve had to sit with you Mark it’s like that’s why I can sit here saturate and connect in conversation because you present authentically and when you’re talking about Youth and kids and children that are in the the most crucial stages of their life I.E the developmental stages of their life that’s what they need is someone authentic consistent and compassionate and that’s something that I’ve noticed with you just since the opportunity we’ve had to meet is like you just show up and hold that space it’s their Direction and you’re just walking with them yeah that’s really really cool how did you come to a point in your life what was it that allowed you to sit with people like that be so passionate caring and connect with these individuals well as I shared earlier I have a a personal connection because my my son has addiction issues and I could see what a wonderful human being he was but he had things that he had to deal with that um we’re not going to get solved with screaming and hollering or you know or telling somebody to get their you know what together and stuff it was not a matter of of of brow beating it was okay let’s let’s let’s do whatever we can do to get you in a better head space a better a better self-image and stuff and so I’ve always I’ve had a soft spot for that I’ve always been one of these people that I never wanted to be the wet blanket you know somebody that was that was going to say no all the time where I wouldn’t even consider going to somebody you know can you help me with this no can you can you can you give me a ride no I I I’ve always wanted to be that person that would find a way and I found that there was a there was a professional at um at Cherokee Ridge named Todd Laxon and Todd is now the head pro at uh Country Club Colorado and when I needed help with the charity when I needed help with the leadership academy that I do out of the Broadmore anything he never said no he always said we’ll figure it out just let me know when I I might have to tweak the date but we’ll figure it out and and and to me he served as a as a absolute Beacon to the community because that was a needed resource for me I needed access to golf here and I couldn’t get it otherwise because the Broadmore is a private Place kissing camels is a private place flying horse is private Country Club of Colorado is private you know you have to you have to be a member or a guest to walk on grounds and and out there I needed a a place to take kids that didn’t have those didn’t have access right that could feel welcome that I could I I didn’t feel bad either bringing them and so that was um I just want that was what I wanted to pursue a goodness a a sort of a um an effort I wanted to start an effort to as I say lighten the load for these kids and really that’s how we got started too and that’s a beautiful thing and something I didn’t even you know write down as I was kind of putting the show together was like often times these places to your point are a bit more affluent we don’t see ourselves inside of those world that’s not for me there’s a developmental like life skill and um posture if you will that comes as a result of walking into those places ordering some chicken wings or whatever it might be it’s like I can be here and you get to inform that through your charity to say no we get to be here and it’s a level of confidence I think that you’re allowing or connecting with these individuals that’s got to be profound and and it was it was fun I think Nick would attest even at the range you’d give people that you were trying to do a little bit of responsibility even within our group y hey can you take these range balls down to that person there can you help them a little bit you know how to do it a little bit easier than that person can you just show them how to make them motion a littleit give him a little bit more Buy in hey can you go back to the golf shop tell them we need a few more golf balls here’s a few bucks to pay for stuff like that where they became more sort of they they were a little bit more Hands-On Nick they fell a little bit more apart of things yeah and and then and then you know and then Nick was always there to cover flanks you know and all I needed from Nick is a nod he knew we knew when we were on the same page absolutely just a look absolutely and I think it’s so true seeing that spark in these youth who have only experienced a lot of hardship in their life right like they might have been experiencing homelessness since a young age like 9 years old and never in their lives could even imagine stepping foot into the Broadmore and not getting looks not getting people being like why are you here what’s going on right and to see that shift in them even in the very first session of being there is just so impactful and so beautiful to me it’s like something I wouldn’t even think of right you think it’s like Golf and we’re learning and it’s it’s going to be fun but like just that moment could change their whole trajectory their whole life you yeah and that’s what you know um Karen henchel the old head of education for um the place used to say is she said it’s so important that these kids feel welcome in an environment they would not normally even think about going to and so that as we used to talk Nick and I we want them to think out of the box and to think okay I can do this um you you were talking about Jiu-Jitsu I’m sure at some point it was like I don’t do jiujitsu that’s for you know somebody else well you started it and now you’re you’re fully you’re fully bought in and and it’s part of your life now and so we’re just it’s it’s just amazing to me um I’ve been all over the world doing stuff with golf and it’s it never ceases to amaze me the Allure that it has for people once they’re in that in once they’re there MH either on the tea on the pting green on the course yeah whatever yeah you’re it you guys speak to it so clearly and it’s interesting with golf I think when probably you started playing we didn’t know what we know now about mental health with respect to Sunshine and the Earth and movement and connection you brought up a stat to me before the show that I was enthralled with that lifetime golfers live 40% longer than the average individual what yeah how cool my gosh yeah it’s amazing and that and that has a lot to do with like if if you and I said okay uh Nick and couver and and uh Chris and I are we’re going to meet at Garden of the Gods we’re going to take an hourong hike we probably get about 8,500 steps in if you walk 18 holes you get about 18,000 steps in you know you see how much more plus it’s it’s the it’s the obligation to socialize to be around people to that connection it makes you feel welcome it’s it’s a uh it’s an endearing thing and it’s also your in nature as you said I always tell people the best thing about golf is the environment you’re Out Among the trees the water the wind the the grass the birds you know you and and the beautiful thing about where we live in Colorado Springs is truthfully all of our golf courses act as much of a wildlife refuge as they do a golf course I mean at the Broadmore you could see a bear at any minute you can see coyotes you could see deer you won’t see elk there but you will at the Academy yeah you know and you will let and I don’t you know and so it’s just such a welcoming beautiful place and it’s uh to me that’s the best thing about it like I always tell people I got the the best office in the world because I’m outside among among all this beauty and um it’s I just think it’s good for people as I say I don’t I want to give people a reason to shave to change their clothes to get a shower to meet people somewhere to have a cup of coffee to to go putt to go hit a few balls to go play nine holes to go ride around in a golf cart with somebody yeah it it’s it’s that reason to connect and um to me it’s it’s more people are going to die from loneliness yeah than anything else and I and I see it with our our kids too the people that we all work with is isolation is a killer y yeah once a person starts to isolate it’s a sheer fire indication that they’re not doing so well and that goes right through life and uh and so it was it’s just a thing that I’ve seen work MH and I believe in it enough to get my nose dirty as you all know nobody nothing changes till somebody’s willing to get their nose dirty that’s right and you got to be willing to get in the weeds a little bit and if you are then things can change but it isn’t going to do it by you know by holding everybody in an arms length sometimes you got to have um conversations with people that peel off a couple of appropriate layers of each other’s life to see what really makes them tick you know who do you want to call if you hear a funny joke who do you want to call if you’re proud of yourself who do you want to you know what who’s your biggest disappointment in life who’s your biggest Joy who do you you know who where’s your happy place you know what was what was the thing you did that makes you the most proud of yourself things like that and uh I have always seen that kids that will snowball and it can be anybody but there’s usually somebody in everybody’s life that they would want to call yeah and we used to talk about that member in our groups over at the around the big table table yep might be a grandparent might be a might be a brother you know I I I think back on the some of the twins we had over there that one was basically taking care of the other and with more severe issues and you know you think okay well what a blessing man this connection yeah and and to me those are those are everything in life you know and yeah and and we’re going to have it now Nick and I have it you know cver and I are going to have it now but it’s those people that you just you’re you’re just somebody when I see you come down the street I can’t help but smile and say man I can’t wait to say hi to this dude give me a second will you yeah it’s so true and that was the same way with even the kids at the place you know rough kids yeah rough I mean if we were walking down one side of the street and we saw him coming this way we might say let’s go across the street once you get to know him man these guys are sweet kid you know I remember one time I was with my son who was I said has had issues and we saw him and I yelled at him and uh and uh we went around the corner and John’s like your dad Dad I’m like I I know him it’s cool yeah you know and I got out and I gave him a big hug but to look at them you’d think these are rough kids man and uh but they were smiles and you know I remember the a a young man over there he didn’t want anything to do with us he didn’t want to talk to me he didn’t want to have he thought golf was stupid he just thought the whole exercise was a waste of time well and he wouldn’t look me in the eye you know and I always tell people I know I got you when you can eye contact because that indicates a certain level of interest and anyway he finally started look at me in the eye by the time it was over with he was hugs you know he got an eight iron on the face he was able to make a 12T putt he was a coordinated kid um he didn’t know it MH he’d never experienced that and he was one of those kids I saw in that street with my son yeah and who I would have thought you know a month before knowing him I would have thought no I’m not pulling over for that crew yeah but after I knew him like you get to see okay all of those they just need help yeah they need their flanks covered they need encouragement you know and that’s the I’m still a firm believer guys and the the greatest form of motivation is encouragement yeah and just to touch on that too that was probably one of the first moments when I was like okay I can trust this person right is we come in it’s like our first session in Fearless Golf and like you mentioned the clients really struggled with trust and that often times shows up as like maybe being a little disrespectful or not really showing up in the way that they should be right and to see a client not really participate and instead of going on and like getting at them or having me get at them you just sat with them and talk to them and it I was like this is it this is the moment this is a thing yeah this is it yeah well thank you Nick and that was it’s always after as you guys know you know I want to lose the battle win the war yeah so if it takes me a little longer to to connect um it’s what you got to do and I don’t want to okay you’re here because you’re program set said you needed X hours of outside activity or something I want I want them to be there and I want them to know hey look even if I don’t really like golf I get to go see Mark and maybe Mark can help me with something I get to spend an hour with him an hour and a half and I get to at least talk to somebody that I know has my back I know we’ll make a phone call for me I know we’ll write a letter for me I know we’ll we’ll go have coffee with me I know he’ll get you know the right people in my life if I’m interested in a certain profession or something like that you know who’ll take the time you know I to me it’s always look Chris you you made me feel valued because you give me your time that to me that’s that’s how you make people feel valued absolutely absolutely it’s a it’s a huge thing and you’re you’re reminding me of how important I mean the most important child adult relationships are they’ll say often times the influence the 75% of the influence will come from outside of the home so what type of adults are we putting around our children to inform that today and it’s such a special thing because I can remember growing up being pretty disconnected within the family system and there were certain individuals that if they weren’t there even though I put puted my way through my developmental years if they weren’t there I wouldn’t be sitting with you today and they’re really really special to me and so I love the way that you’re able to show up and inform potentially well quite frankly for a lot of them a different view on a child adult relationship because my view growing up was like you can’t trust they’re untrustworthy they’ll hurt you until Isaiah the youth pastor came in and the soccer coach came in and the wrestling coach and they’re like Chris I care about you yeah it’s the impact you’re having I don’t even know that you’ll fully see because it just has this ripple effect in community that so special yeah and so grounding and so foundational really really cool well we look we appreciate it right Nico it’s just half the stuff is like even when I started this Chris I didn’t prepare is I didn’t know how to prepare I just started you know it’s the old saying like when you start a business start before you’re ready yeah maybe you did that with Peak or you had to figure it out along the way right Y and so but you’re beginning you’re starting to mle because if once it exists you can tweak it you know you can you can say okay this worked this didn’t work we got to go moving more in this direction whatever else but I just have always felt strongly that kids especially need an advocate they need some somebody in their corner to cheer them on and I tell kids look if you don’t have a mentor find one true um because you got to have a cheerleader you got to have somebody you can do it you know you’re you’re better you know and even to the point where if they screw up you can say look you’re better than this you know you know you know let’s let’s what do we got to do is straighten this out but the kids tell you one of the things they’ll they’ll I’ve you know they’re they’re so afraid of being judged yeah okay and quite frankly I share that with them I think the world is full of judgment condem nation and sarcasm when they hear a sincere ear um they need it like they need air they need to know they’re heard they need to know somebody actually can relate you know and I don’t have the answers a lot times but I’ll sit there and listen to them and say well let’s try to figure you know let’s let’s at least try to okay who does um and this includes my experience with my own son you know who I’m like okay who who do you who who makes you feel goodh I love what you’re saying there because we we have a dad right now in the studio with a son who’s in treatment and suffice it to say and I I talk about this all the time and it’s tough I’m a dad yeah is to say that like you know we we can conceptualize a basketball court and who we need court side is the community yeah and the relatable Community the friends the connections the resources in Family actually can be up in the 200 section like we still need to hear you yeah yeah but just enough cuz I actually need to I need hear the coaching on the sideline by my people the community that’s informing it and I it’s got to be difficult because I have a eight nyear old and there’s no community in for like I’m the guy yeah yeah you know I I am every resource for those kids and it feels kind of good yeah and there’s going to be a day where I have to let go a little bit and I just want to honor that with you right now is not only in the work you do with young people but with your own son it’s it’s very very valuable to disconnect in order to reconnect and a really really formidable and integrous way and I just I just want to affirm you for that well it’s a tough thing look you uh thank you and and you do what you can right it’s just that you love your kids you take on a truck for your kids you know and and and so um Nick has this with his mom yeah you know what I mean he knows his mom would take on a truck for him we’ve had enough conversations yeah um Chris knows too yeah yeah yeah yeah and and so that stuff is just I always wanted my son to know hey look um it the problem with the to me the family like my wife is a wonderful person but she had gone through a serious bout of colon cancer in chemo you know and I was trying to juggle you know I was down at Memorial four or five days a week John was an absolute mess yeah he just could not get his you know what together no matter how much logic I tried to use to say hey I need you to get your stuff together because I’m going through a very difficult time with your he just couldn’t not because he was a rotten person MH he just was he just couldn’t do it you know he was not there and so I you know what happens is is I think sometimes family has gone through so much yeah with people with those issues that they’re like I need some space man I’m going to send you to treatment because I can’t I need a break from all of this craziness you know I can’t take another call from the school I can’t can’t take another call from okay you were you had to go to emergency for something you know that type type of stuff where where every time I see you go out the door you know there were times with with my son he’d go around the refrigerator I’d think what’s he doing yeah you know that constant level and and he is a twin oh wow and he has an older sister and his twin is Premed at CU and just one of these you know it’s a girl and that’s how my brothers work yeah go this is great here you know but I can remember back in those days I remember my his twin would look at me and read my face for my stress level like Dad are you okay cuz and I’m convinced when in families when dad’s needs buckles everybody’s Buckle yeah if a dad relinquishes his responsibility his role it it’s not good for anybody in their yes stress becomes you know Financial um you know you don’t want to tipto around a house who you think a dad’s going to throw a plate across the room that’s true at any minute or or or throw dinner on the floor cuz he he was expecting spaghetti and he got you know casserole yeah so you know it’s one of those things and so you you do the best you can it’s not easy um but I I couldn’t live with myself if I was if I didn’t continue to go back and say what can I do I just not one of these people that can stand beside and say I hope you get your stuff together good luck to you you’re on your own it’s a tremendous thing to be able to provide that resource yeah you know and I think families a lot of times you know when we’re conceptualizing our family and we’re reading the dad to be books you know the pages they don’t get to the spot where it’s like if your son or daughter struggles with a mental health disorder just turn to chapter 2 walk you right through it no it’s like the diaper in the room and the setting and the light and the things and you’re like I got it yeah then this thing happens and you’re like reeling because it wasn’t in the textbooks yeah it wasn’t in the it wasn’t in the youth group it wasn’t in these things it was we conceptualized this and so I think when we get into these moments we do the absolute best we can but I think when family is like you got to go it’s to say I can’t do it I think there’s a lot of authenticity to that because it’s clear to me I’m out of bounds here yeah you know and so I think we go through our own process one of the cool things we do at Peaks that I think is just new connection Ing and um something more in alignment with um parallel recovery which is Lisa Smith’s family program what we do is we walk families through a 4-week curriculum absent of their loved one with the family therapist who actually doesn’t see their loved ones individually they do their individual therapy and we reconnect at the end because families really do have to go through like a grieving process I didn’t expect this it would be crazy to expect this yeah you would too I need to go through a grieving process I need to go through a boundary process I need to go through some identity and purpose like who am I and what am I in this current setting and so I just you know will continue to affirm the fathers that stand up and put one foot in front of the other and mess this thing up one day at a time you know that’s the beauty yeah no and Chris you you speak the truth I mean I like for me you know I had a sports background um and I I wasn’t expecting All State out of my son but I expected to go to games and to you know have all that be a part of it but it was a very shortlived with him because of his issues and uh I I would be lying to you if I thought that was disappointing I missed out on that you know and um and I’ve talked to other dads who’s had had the same same experience you know yeah um but it doesn’t but the hardest thing I think for you for people parents and all that is even loved ones of people in treatment is you got to let people have their own lane yeah yeah and need them where they are yeah and support them in that and and and let them know look you can live a life that I will be very proud of you and very happy for you that doesn’t have to be in this thing that I had already a preconceived notion of the way I wanted your life to go go right and there’s so many things that like honestly guys one of the biggest blessings of my life even through the tragic situation of my son’s illness is is to get involved with with this world with the treatment world with the recovery world with the addiction world with the mental health yeah um world I I have grown so much I have met so many amazing utterly you know beyond you know impressive to Extraordinary People yeah um their ability to care their ability to love their ability to empathize to encourage to to just to be there physically yeah um you know it’s it’s and to figure stuff out I mean are you kidding me you know if you’re involved with somebody with issues with that needs treatment and stuff you got to figure out a ton of stuff how to juggle your your time okay cuz you know you don’t want to be so busy making a living that you don’t have a life right and so it’s how to do that how to manage the finances of it you know um how to how to manage the time how can we get this person and and even how to manage your own people in your own family okay I don’t want family systems yeah yeah you know your mom doesn’t take as well to this so let’s be you know we got to go easy on what we talk to Mom about you know what I mean she doesn’t cuz yeah we got to slow roll this one we got to slow roll this one we don’t want a grenade in there today you know no cuz my wife blessed her heart she has no filter none and so you know she she’ll cut right out and say John what’s the story with
the be a week from this is don’t call him out you know he’s been in the house you know five seconds exactly dinner’s ready an yeah yeah in other words I know you’ve been here 5 Seconds when’s you’re meeting okay you better get going you know yeah exactly yeah I love that it’s it’s really cool to you know out of a lot and this is the story of I think Nick’s recovery and the story of my recovery and I think the story of Life well-lived is Like These really tough crisis-driven intense situations very sad culminate in this opportunity where we sit today it is out of your son’s story and out of your son’s pain that you have found a tremendous amount of passion and now you are doing something that I think in addition to the golf the sport that’s meaningful and passionate to you this human thing that probably wouldn’t have been there otherwise and it’s it’s a really really cool thing that you’ve you’ve made a little bit of that into your ministry if you will well and that’s true I think you’re called to it um because you you develop sensitivities you right Nick I mean it’s you okay I love golf I’m I’m familiar with golf I know golf but now I’m introduced to this world and maybe we can connect these two somehow I I see I see as some some uh synergies here some some helpful aspects of both that maybe we can can help people with and so again though that doesn’t happen unless two things happen one somebody’s willing to get their nose dirty and two is as you meet guys like you guys that are willing to do it with you yeah nobody can do it alone it would be you you’d end up in the corner in the fetal position with your head and your hands because it’s just too much and like even the the people that you come across as much as you want to help them man sometimes you want to push your hair out too and it’s like mhm you need each other to get through those times you know and so it’s uh it but it’s worth it it is cu once you once you get over it like like with Fearless golf my favorite kids are the hard kids yeah the really hard kids right Nick you and I talked about that up at your office it’s true where you’re just because they there you you have the biggest influence on it and I’m after influence I’m not after effect like if you and I see each other and the you know I’m not going to just talk Chris about the speed of the greens and how you hit your seven iron and you know how’s your Florida vacation you know we’re going to talk about some stuff about what we know about each other and how I might be a blessing in your life and how you might be a blessing in mine and Nick and I have that you know true he knows I care about it Y and and I do anything for him because and he knows I never blow him off you know what I mean and like when Nick texts I’m back you know I because I I know like and admire him you know he’s a great human being and I know okay he’s worthy of my my my attention you know he’s he’s proven himself he’s a he when I when Nick and i stuff is going to happen yeah he not just going to he’s he’s not a he’s not a you know he’s never going to blow me off and he’s not going to um never follow through he’s a professional y uh and so you know those things are fun though those things are fun I never knew I never knew about the place I never knew about you know but Lord knows now I do after going through this all with my son you know I know about treatment centers I know about Mental Health I know about you know I know about how you can um you know hold a person for X number of time if they need that time to stay you know stay off the street you know get safe abely be safe yeah that’s it exactly it really just again brings back that like idea of these like Ripples and these connections right and these moments in our lives that we might not even think about and how that can affect so many people and change so many things right like if I look back to years ago I don’t even remember what year it was but when we first met at the place right like how could we have seen this happening right how could I have seen that I would come out with another group of clients at another treatment center and be able to meet your son and talk through it and be able to support you yeah and that I think is just so beautiful and such a cool moment right and then if we go even further like if I wouldn’t have come to treatment I would have met Chris and then would I have been here no right and where would my family be and I think we miss that so often is these small things right in the moment they look like the nothing like it could just be a what ever moment right but how much of an impact those moments can really have on our lives and the lives of thousands of people around us that should was so much hindsight you know right it’s like you know to your point mark is like it it is always the toughest one I want to help I you could ask Cassidy if she was sitting right here she’d be like yeah I’ll be like who did I come home and talk about be like Nick yeah I’m like I’m like there’s this guy and he just won’t yeah he’s like me but he won’t he can’t there’s no way he’s going to make maybe he will I don’t know kicking him out he’s got to go I stayed it was just this thing back and forth and I remember when it was like I see you and you see me and we’re going y I’m like boom he’s a leader Nick’s in charge and We’re Off to the Races but there’s something so special about that and gratifying about going into the trenches it’s not about sunshine and rainbows it’s about getting dirty it’s about getting dirty together and it’s about people seeing that authenticity and that consistency of getting dirty yes yeah and I appreciate what you do in the community what you do for individuals what you do for your family system your son um wanted you to be able to chat with the viewers a little bit before we cut off on how do we find you what are the resources um how do we get a hold of you how do we make donations well um you find me by getting a hold of people like you who say I got his number um I don’t have a website for Fearless golf I should um but I don’t and most of it honestly is because I am a completely technically challenged person you’re not too bad cuz I I found you a little bit you did yeah I found a page that talked about Fearless golf it talked about you being the operational or the chairman or something of that nature and I read it was about it was a section like this and it said Fearless golf so somebody’s got you published somewhere new New Horizons is my liaz there it is yep the New Horizons Foundation and I felt it was important to have a Lia because I wanted to let people know look there’s a process to your donation in other words it just does okay well I gave you I gave you 2500s Mark what’ you do with it you know there’s a process to all that stuff and there’s an accountability and a there’s organization to it and I just felt it was an important thing for for me to have that accountability sake of arguing yeah so if you want to if you’re kind enough to donate um if you’re interested in what we do it’s through the New Horizons Foundation under and we’re a fear Fearless golf is the name of the project that’s where I found it under the New Horizons so we can check it out under New Horizons which I from what I read on there is just a safe kind of nonprofit third party that connects and resources smaller nonprofits to help get the funding and that kind of thing yeah it’s our we have that entity and my partner uh Ty saltzgiver um suggested that I do that back in the day when I formed this and so that’s that’s how we do it and then we’re basically uh entrenched in the Mental Health Community Chris as you know and and Nick and I worked together for years and anything we can do in that that sort of that young adult space that 18 to 22 23 24 with helping them we we always talk about helping them transition to healthy adulthoods I love the addiction space the treatment space I you know I got a soft spot for that work with Nick on that too um I am if you guys called me I’d be happy to form something I just think it’s I want to go where I know that people are being helped and I and I I want to work with great people you know I don’t want to uh don’t want to I don’t want I want to have Buy in from from my partners in other words okay we believe in this too yeah y i I’m I’m so with that you know what I mean like just really being respectful of people’s time yeah and I just uh I’m so grateful that I get to fill my time with people like yourself and Nick I mean we were we were uh voting on a scholarship we’re giving out at the end of the month and we’re reading through these essays and then we’re talking then we’re reading through these and then we’re talking then 45 minutes goes by and we’ve read two essay yeah yeah right you know it’s like I just you like yeah that’s what my life gets to be today and I’m so grateful that today you both were in and I had the opportunity to connect with you it’s it’s just been a wonderful day it was snowing outside I’m like looking behind the podcast we got flurries like it’s good to be alive today it’s been a it’s been an awesome it’s it’s been an honor and a pleasure guys thank you so much thank you all for coming on and uh to all the viewers out there all the people that call us home every Sunday until next time my people peace
[Music] [Applause] [Music]