Episode 115
Deconstructing Stress Medicine with Dr. Van Anrooy & Kayli Meyers
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In this Episode, Chris Burns brings on two incredible professionals, Dr. Sarah Van Anrooy and Kayli Meyers from the Center for Stress Medicine, to share their professional insights and forward-thinking approach to client care. From conversations on gene testing and epigenetic to the impact of COVID-19 on self-care and how to harness stress, this episode offers a plethora of valuable information. For more on Dr. Van Anrooy or Kayli, check out www.centerforstressmed.com
Talking Points
- Meet Dr. Van Anrooy and Kayli Meyers (0:15)
- What is gene testing? (1:15)
- Expectations for the process (4:40)
- Covid-19 impact on self-care (12:00)
- Is stress important? (14:55)
- Debunking myths (20:50)
- Kayli’s story (23:55)
- Dr. Van Anrooy’s story (25:35)
- Epigenetics (30:25)
- Final Thoughts (42:00)
- Find the Center for Stress Medicine (44:46)
“I do think that is something good that came out of COVID that we actually talk about. People understand more that how you take care of yourself impacts not just your physical health but also your emotional health.”
Episode Transcripts
[Music] hey everybody welcome to another episode of Finding Peaks I am here with two amazing professionals but even better humans you know what time it is we have Dr Sarah van anroy on the show thank you for joining us Dr vanroy you got it Dr Van anroy is an integrated medicine and psychiatric physician she’s also American Board of integr medicine Diplomat she’s also American board integrated in holistic medicine American Board of Psychiatry and neurology MH yeah well well yep it’s all under one board all under one board one brain one board and then we have Kaye Myers here with national board certified health and wellness coach and a certified cotus they have both been working together for the last 10 years up in Castle Rock and like awesome well thank you guys so much for coming on the show I’ve been talking a lot about with the team who I’m bringing on this week and everybody’s really really excited and us here at Peaks recovery are looking for trusted and valuable um sources people that we can refer to in the community after our Primary Care setting and you all are about to found find out why we want to work with these folks so badly so let’s just get right into it some of the things that you guys do that really really are progressive and I think Cutting Edge is this genom mind testing what is gene testing and why aren’t more people doing it I I see a lot of providers kind of throwing medications rinse wash should repeat I watch folks com on multiple medications and then they transition and so it just seems like a really arduous and intense process to walk through but as we were speaking earlier maybe we don’t have to walk through it in that way MH yeah yeah it’s uh makes my job much easier not easy but but easier so I started doing genetic um profiles back in about 2011 I think it was B minute it’s probably longer yeah and have reviewed probably between two to three thousand patients wow um and you know what Gene testing does uh genes are you know our template as far as that really helps you know shape our health shape our brain shape our behavior um but jeans are not necessarily Destiny um so genetic testing is very important um data very very valuable um I would say probably as a prescriber one of the most important pieces of data but it’s only one piece of data uh we put it together also with biomarkers um like with lab work you know clinical interview history all the other good stuff and pull it all together to you know help our clients better understand what helps their brain to really perform well do well and what might kind of jun things up a little bit you mentioned something when we spoke last you said that you eventually won’t even prescribe medication right I’ve done this text yeah well in particular the more Dangerous Ones um anti-depressant so oh I’ve been practicing medicine almost 40 years now and back in the old days it was um yeah it was experimental be like okay you know this is what we think’s going on based on the syndrome all list of symptoms so we try medicine um if it didn’t work we’re like oops um go down another pathway another pathway uh it just took such a long time and there were you know unfortunately a number of times we ended up making our patients worse and um yeah and then um I got into before genetics got into functional brain Imaging which is a whole another technology that is really really cool to be able to really look at metabolically the different patterns and then when genetic testing came along it’s like you put it all together and you know why experiment you you know there’s still trial in eror with the genetic testing but I’m able to get to the effective solution so much faster and with a lot less risk and like warning sight and still go down that road right how is this how is this seen and heard within the clinic that you guys go to I I mean I was just in intensive outp group yesterday and supporting some of our clinical team and I was sitting with a a young lady who would just switch medications and it’s like the story of my career where I watch these people just fighting everything they had and you can tell the medication isn’t settling then it’s exagerating it’s intensifying their experience how has this been received um in the 10 years that you’ve been working with Dr B enroy and what do you love about this process that you’re engaged with caring I I I definitely think patients receive it it depends on the patient obviously some of them don’t know exactly what genetics is so it takes a little bit of education but but would we can say this is your kind of owner’s manual for your brain this is what we know to be true about your genetics it’s not your destiny doesn’t mean this is exactly how your brain’s going to respond to medications said there’s still a little bit of trial and error but it helps them to feel a little bit more understood and validated I think in what they’re experiencing especially I would think a lot of our bipolar patients I think is the big one one where we can be like you know what your brain is this more like a ferar than a Honda that’s okay you so we can we can help them not only with medications but also a lifestyle like how does it your brain respond to too much light too much overstimulation no exercise bad nutrition what are those things due to your brain specifically and how can we kind of adjust and make it so that it works the the best yeah that’s brilliant I would imagine that you know some people and I mean most all people brains react differently to whether it’s light exercise sometimes we see I think I tell myself a story of like well Joey seems to be doing fine he doesn’t get any light on his in front of the other but just a different human it’s a different Jil yeah yeah yeah that’s really cool and I I love the opportunity for people to come in and sit with you all and when you said that it almost brought a tear to my eye because I remember being 11 or 12 years old the school counselor said to me what’s wrong with you yeah you know this is the thing that we did back in the night we as wrong instead of what happened or see something like you know look Chris your brain’s a little bit like a Ferrari and then Honda like that sounds fun that me I love the way you guys are creating this manual for your brain and it’s specific to the individual right right yes yeah and like haly you know saying especially I did some extra training in um bipolar U mini fellowship at the University of Colorado and so that’s really one of our big passions is the gift to bipolar you know like Kay’s saying like the Ferrari you know bipolar brains might be a lot more sensitive to lack of sleep poor nutrition substances but man when they’re taken care of it’s like they can’t outperform about anything on the road so I love that too and a lot of that W stuff isn’t isn’t talked about especially in some of these community- based resources that we walk where we just say kind of more of this and more of that without really having empathy or Compassion or insight into what people are struggling with yeah you know and we talked about it before the show is with respect to addiction specifically and how we get told certain things and those things seem to be mired at the foundation of our recovering it’s tough to break out so I almost look at you all as like truth tellers yeah you know when as mate says but people are confronted with the truth that’s when change can begin to happen beautiful it’s a r really cool per so something on your website that really blew me away you know you don’t see a lot of psychiatrist um doctors in general say simple fun F and the website really read if you want check it out I mean it’s brightful there’s colorful food on there awesome heets so what how do you make it simple fun and effective do you want a stalker uh sure yeah we so definitely the effective part we we have down um we have a good process it’s very streamlined the genine definitely helps toig simple is a little bit more I think organic depending on the person you know some people like tons of Ed education and some people do not so definitely trying to make it simple for them so that it’s sustainable so that it’s easier for them to apply to their life um and then giving them as much education and as many tools as they want and can handle uh cuz sometimes people think simple is like just this is your only option we’re going to do this it’s easier um but that’s not me necessarily how we do things um and then fun is again it’s sustainable right if it’s not something you’re enjoying something that you want to do and something you feel benefit from um then you’re not going to continue with it so definitely that’s I think where coaching comes in a lot too is you know I a big the believer and don’t put the work in working out we don’t have to go to the gym 5 days a week to get exercise go for a walk you you can go swimming like it can be different things so really trying to find the way to make it fun for patients so that they continue with it and they enjoy what they’re doing and enjoy coming in and talking to us and right yeah it makes our our life more fun too let’s burn out that way absolutely yeah yeah that’s that’s really really cool and I I mean as you’re talking about the clinic and talking about what you all do I’m thinking where was this 15 years ago why wasn’t I a part of great where we are now quite literally office we’re hiding we low keeping it lowy keeping it low key yeah you w roughl any feathers in that model I love it what do you think it was that was so difficult 15 years ago to talk about things like this a lot of it you know changes hard you know change is hard for us as individuals um as families as communities uh so in our healthc Care Community I feel um change has been difficult um and you know in Psychiatry maybe and neurology as well um I think change sometimes is a little tougher you know it’s a bit more of a paradigm shift sure you know way back um when I got out of training um was when manage care started hitting so I actually experienced medicine before managed care and with the onset of Managed Care psychiatria got carved out um and so handled differently um really started shaping how we practice psychiatry and um I just feel like over the years it’s been more difficult you know in Psychiatry to embrace change how do we get educated and learn these tools um when Insurance wasn’t covering it yet you know now insurance is you know Medicare Medicaid um pretty much all commercial insurance covers the genetic panel we do but it’s complicated you know it’s even you know it and it’s getting more complicated uh because they keep add variations so then clinicians have to catch up you know so now it’s covered but how do we educate you know clinicians on how to use uh the panel so part of what um my job is at the clinic is to try to take all this really complex information from the genetic panel and try to condense it down into bullet points and where a primary care dog can just you know scan through it in a couple minutes kind of get a baser road map of yeah go there don’t go there uh you’re more likely to have success here you know this is where you want to watch the dosing interactions but um but changes hard you know changes hard so and do you think that that is something good that came out of Co that we’ve actually talked about that people are understanding more that how you take care of yourself impacts not just your physical health but your emotional health so I think really like the olation impact of Co and not being able to go out to eat be so go to the gym or do those things I think people really started to notice how that actually impacted their mental health as well so I think I know there wasn’t a lot of good that came out of with it but I do think that that was a little bit of a shift that happened and we noticed that people were embracing that right or cuz they were confronted with that truth and then I think as patients getting believing that more is kind of driving clinicians to do that to to really good yeah consumer driven so yeah and you’re you’re so right cuz I I used to say in the pandemic you know there’s a lot of people that came into our program it raised the bottom for a lot of people um and it didn’t force them but helped them see the light or the opportunity in front of them and with the medical model you said it well I think like a paradigm ship it really is a paradine ship because I think for so many years the medical model just was is and was what it was there was in the business for repeat business yeah and I think we’re starting to learn that we don’t actually have to do that and people can heal yes and they can move through some of these issues through some really um insightful and well-rounded therapeutic opportunities it’s really really cool to begin to see this and to that shift is so big cuz the medical model is so large I call it the Titanic turn around it really is then you have generationally oh yeah docs that are and other docs that are more Progressive kind of all of that St managing that and deal with that having a clear concise story that doesn’t point at anybody be wrong or right just where you’re at is is really really cool to be a part of and see yeah it’s really cool how does how does one now you guys are really big into stress testing right oh well depends on what you mean by that but well stress the yeah okay what what I what I was always in my ear recovery at least the first 10 years I’m like lower stress lower stress lower stress so I’m trying to and we a lower stress and then I have this Aura ring on you’re dig great yeah and now I’m like I’m actually feeling good when I get stressed and when I’m ulate so is yeah why do we have stress why is it important and is it is it all bad yeah not not at all you know um way back in the 1970s the research on stress um really highlighted the importance and the value of stress um that we need the stimulation and the challenge you know mentally and physically in order to keep our brains healthy to keep our immune system working well um the problem that we see so persistently is either people desperately trying to stress entirely um or the um persistent stress that we don’t uh our clients not getting rest restore reconnect and then meet the challenge of the stress the next day so so that’s a lot of what we try to educate is the both the value of stress but also the importance of the rest digest reconnect restore yeah that I kind of talk to people about is that your brain is an organ just like the rest of your organs now if you want to be an athlete you have to stress your body and want to perform so if you want your lungs to be stronger you have to stress them in order to be stronger your muscles your muscles to be stronger your heart to be stronger all of these things they have to go through stress right you have to tear the muscles to build the muscles and so your brain works the same way if you wanted to be stronger if you want it to work well efficiently it has to be exposed to stress but just like the rest of your organs it also has to rest and it also has to recuperate so if you’re not you know if you’re go go go all day you lay down to go to sleep and you she had sleep they F cuz you never recover do your brain D stress so you have to recover you have to ground so I mean something every day to deal with stress and then having you know things like breathing exercises to use in the moment when you’re above your threshold and practicing them when you’re not under stress um just like athletes do for plays you know you have to learn the play before you can play in the game so it’sing doing those breathing exercises before you’re under stress so that you can bring yourself down in the moment and you’re not like you said chronically building and building and building too much stress and not able to recover it’s a fantastic metaphor yeah yeah it’s a really good see actually speaks to me as an individual so 3 weeks ago I stepped back in for the first time in 5 years as our chief executive officer I was out president and found during it LO and grass I actually shied away from it I said that can’t be in my inbox I would just clear my inbox yeah without looking without looking do the BL my pant pant consultant be like I just love how you do that I’m like what delting if somebody wants to get a hold of me they know how to get but I I actually shied away from it and over the last few weeks I’ve been in and quite frankly I’ve been watching my AA ring go up and down I’ve actually felt better I’ve felt sharper I’ve felt more atude felt stronger mentally physically spiritually and emotionally and one would think working 60 hour weeks weeks that that would be different but I’m watching a stress Arc I’m watching it settle and I’m watch and I’m able to regulate which has been a really really Co got the daily rhythm going yeah and there’s so many TS we have now that monitor that AG with that see really right where you’re at like this has actually really brought me to a point where things have to be data driven it’s really important exactly I want to see Improvement yeah exactly well something else that I really loved and I could tell that you all work really well together and this is rare for me a lot of the psychiatrists that I’ve worked with in the past will have an assistant upfront and they just kind to do everything they are the Ed doll beond for Allin Client Services care Insight opportunities what I really love about what you all do is Dr V enro found it necessary to create somewhat of a multi-disciplinary team that works with individuals and lean into the strengths Kaye and Dr Van en and some of the other team members what have you found Dr Van Eno um why did you create a multidisciplinary team uh it’s a lot more fun it’s a lot more fun yeah there there’s a certain um when you get the right um people on your team in the right energy going there’s just a real Synergy you and to me it really um feeds me you know reduces the burnout when we can work with teams move and interact with our clients and not just be in our uh little boxes in our offices oneon-one and then every member of the team brings you know such a unique perspective you know and gift so yeah and then under the um American Board of integrated medicine um the model that we aspire to is is under their uh leadership you to have physician midlevel like a PA or nurse practitioner health and wellness coach medical assistant and then um collaborating with a lot of community providers therapists uh acupunctur massage therapists personal trainers physical therapists primary care I love that that in of itself is a paradigm shift yeah you know really integrate all of that information being openminded to it you have a tremendous amount of accolades and success and research and education and to have that humility As you move through patient care I think provides the opportunity for the best patient care oh that’s really really cool yeah I love that one of the questions that i’ had just since you said you know they been doing this nearly 40 years yeah what has been some of the biggest shifts what what did you believe 20 years ago that you have dumps today oh that’d be a tough one um perhaps that um 20 years ago I didn’t think we’d ever um as a country in healthc care system Embrace uh holistic health integrated medicine and give it the respect you know which is incred because it works it works and so um just it’s so exciting to see you know communities of healthc care providers uh patients really shifting away from the old model in um more into empowering Pati with information like you know the Home Technology tools and we’re just getting started in that industry you know being able to empower our patients with information um I yeah I didn’t think we would be able to do what we can do now you know like sleep studies I have a background in sleep medicine too and to be able to have patients do their own sleep studies more than just one night and being able to play around and see how you know what time to eat whether they have alcohol you know all those different things they see directly how it impacts their Sleep Quality and so it’s so cool yeah sometimes we don’t want to see what [Music] like CD packs of yeah just our inner competitiveness how about you said there when I first started in the field 15 years ago 15 short years ago um yeah I was working in a place called decision Point Center and there was an eternal medicine dog his name was Dr Jared and anytime a client was referred over to Dr Jared people would say no okay yeah he’s going to give you this he’s going to give you a supplement it’s not good what you really hate is to go see Dr Kyle cuz Dr Kyle DMD the psychiatrist and he knew even the medications to help you through I have to imagine if I were to go back into the community right now Dr Jared is probably booked through Ruben yeah but it was a lot of this and I was part of it saying bu what is this ter medicine stop right you know and so I love that you we beginning to move in a direction and I’m even seeing some oldtime dogs go you got to go see Dr Van I don’t I think she can help people are being becoming a little bit more open-minded because they think they’re seeing the results of some of this new opportuni which is really really nice yeah I think we’ve definitely seen that in our community doctors too very much didn’t always believe in what you did now and doing that’s the best part that’s ridiculous care about that now they’re doing it yes M doesn’t matter it’s like now we know really does yeah absolutely I I’d really love to learn about for you Kaye what was it that made you want to get into this field why did you want to become a wellness coach like what what is your why kind of that passion driven part of yourself because you can tell just sitting down like you love what you do yeah um so I went into nutrition originally so that’s what I have a degree in because I have always believed what we put into our body directly affects what we get out of it um I grew up as an athlete I studied animal nutrition as well so I always believed that but when I was getting my degree in nutrition I was really focused on hospital care um and kind of what you do when a patient’s in the hospital like well how do we prevent them from getting in the hospital at the first place or how do we treat disease with food so that’s how I got into coaching um versus just nutrition so that’s why I kind of branched into the LIF style um aspect of it um I’m really passionate about meeting people where they’re at you having empathy and compassion for them there and accept you where they’re at but not you know having the compassion and the belief in them to empower them to not stay there you know to help them be who they can and to move away from that space you know we all start in different places different stages and you know meting people where they’re at and helping them to grow from it by accepting them and empowering them through it it’s a big a big passion of mine it’s cool isn’t it so nice to watch somebody I mean one of the greatest gifts in my career is to watch someone come in soulen disconnected depressed and then couple months later they go yeah to do this for it’s just like we best job yeah it’s like before and after pictures it’s wonderful we love that yeah very very domestic it’s a privilege yeah why did you didn’t to the that oh wow just you know a passion for healing you know really a passion for healing and you know and and some of it just you know through my own Journey as well as family members um when we don’t have our health you know it’s really hard to have um much to look forward to you know when we don’t have our brain health it really hijacks our life you know so just being able to have the privilege of you know guiding people and being with them on their journey and and watching the transformation it’s it’s an incredible privilege yeah to be able to hold space in those rooms yeah for who I would consider the most courageous people oh yeah I’ve ever had the chance to meet yes I know the world sometimes I think has a different view of that yeah necessary you’re going into these groups and these individualized opportunities and individualized me as smoothies with clients I did was just doing that yesterday and I just I can’t help but to tell them like you are such a bright light you have greatest inside of you right there we just need to figure out a path to access it right and when people learn that the resources with them gives them chills it’s like you yeah they go oh my gosh so that’s one of the last things I want to touch on we touched on it before the show is you know 15 years ago I got clean and sober after my third impatient treatment program I went into this amazing impatient treatment program at C Wood Day 2 saw back then it was Mom and Pop owned it was an amazing program we went through things like grief week identity and purpose EMDR shame and pain relating years’s personal history was wonderful but when I went to check out of the program he said my case manager said all of that’s nice and dandy but here’s a yellow piece of paper you need to go to 90 and 90 or you’re going to die because you actually have a disease and you have allergy and it’s like a hamster wheel if you refer to the doctor’s opinions yeah in the big book of alcoholic synonymous it says that I can never safely ingest substances again because I am different than my fellows what I heard in that moment was I’ll never heal I’ll never have the opportunity and I was often times referred to as a cancer patient going to get his chemo and so Alcoholics Anonymous for my cancer that I had was the Kemo but I just couldn’t sit well and it doesn’t sit well with me today to say that so I’m going to continue to struggle liveed less than average quality of life and I have to go get this medicine every day um I’ve learned over the last handful of years through amazing professionals like you all and great programs that Foster healing that maybe isn’t the case uh me Pati is going to remission right ex I didn’t hear about the remission part they didn’t they but I mean even cancer patients are cancer free at some point you were talking about yesterday is kind of telling patients you’re not your anxiety you’re not your have those things but it’s not one thing it’s impacted by so many different Avenues and you may never you may never not have anxiety like anex may always have that underlying addiction but that doesn’t mean you have to accept that that’s your story that’s your truth right exactly there’s other factors that play that make it worse and make it better and there’s a way on it with it or without it if you choose to so I mean I then that’s part of empowering people and meeting him wherever they’re at you know yeah and that’s that’s part of what I love about the whole you know paradigm shift away from mental illness and L you know there’s some need and value to that but really it’s shifting that to brain health and healing you know and again really understanding our own brain and body what helps us to perform well what gets in the way um and how do we promote lifelong healing um the way I like to look at um 12-step communities because I’m a huge supporter of it but their communities just like going to church or you know don’t go to church because they have a disease right you know it’s it’s a community of authenticity and healing and the me to recovery that and we’re all in this together you know so being able to find our community you know um a fellow people along the path who want to heal who want to be real um and cannot yeah yeah I think that’s so or we also touched on just in regardless to the same question of like what are we born with on the side you know some people assume my dad had addiction I don’t know to your point earlier I don’t know if it’s that simple right right yeah well yeah so part of what we talk a lot about and what we really get excited about is the whole epigenetics and so epigenetics is a part of genetic medicine and epigenetics is the um things that influence what genes get turned on and which ones don’t so a lot of what we talk about again genes AR in Destiny so so much of what we do with the blood work with the supplements with um healthier relationships deeper more restored to sleep is really uh helping to power up people’s epigenetics so they keep their healthy genes turned on or turn them back on there’s a way to do that oh yeah yeah and turn off or yeah we even do preventative we’ve done genetics in as young as one-year-old wow so our patient range goes from age one to currently 100 so of this patient 100 and should be 101 um yeah but being able to part of what helps the little ones with prevention it’s when there’s a family concern of oh my goodness like you’re saying we’ve got addictions we got you know bipolar we’ve got add in the family and if parents get too um anxious about it it almost can manifest and so by doing the genetics um we can say okay these are the risk factors your kiddo did and didn’t get now us work on preventing them the unhealthy genes from being expressed and how can we help you to see some of the gift inness and um benefit and value to some of these je as well yeah yeah that predisposition to disease isn’t yeah it doesn’t diagnosing with the disease hopefully it a genetic for diabetes but it’s because you got diabetes yeah might as well eat sugar yeah yeah exactly and I did for both my kids first birthdays I did the genine on them happy
birthday I’m going to take my kids right up in the nexts do this test in that would be so cool we do a lot of family and it’s a parot it’s really nice because there are times where both of my kids are more genetically lean towards their dad versus me so some stuff just sets them off where like they’re over stimulated it’s too much but it doesn’t make sense to me cuz I don’t have you have a different bra and I’m like what is going on why are the freaking dad now yeah being p and it so it just helps right to have that right you know like it’s cluttered in here there’s two different sounds going on they have using in the TV it’s all too much like we need to I get it right I see you like it’s not like what’s wrong with you like you said before like it’s okay I understand why this why your brain is racked in this way this is how we kind of redirect this is how we fix it you know so we can make you more comfortable and make it easier for us to all coexists that’s a wonderful explanation by both of you so basically what we’re saying is not necessarily born with these things but we have genic indicators that could predetermine or expose us if not if life not lived well not having us in there’s also things right away if we do it for a one-year-old that we can get in front of understand that vitamin D is Gooding is good blue light for the individual might be so there be things that are contraindicated right away absolutely including some medications you know anti-depressants you are a big one you know the risk factors with um tricyclic anti-depressants especially but also you know the common serotonin based ones they can aggravate genes yeah genes that might not have been expressed before um then they get flared up so we can prevent that now I I love that you can kind of get in in the middle of it really form quality of life factors to counterbalance some of that Gene or potential mutations of those jeans right right that’s pretty cool yeah yeah I love that lot everybody who has a kid needs to get some genom Minds has because it it really creates kind of like a road map and and it’s not the Ed all be all is what I’ve hear you say yeah but it can give us a ton of information absolutely to kind of work from absolutely yeah I think that’s so awesome you know I really want to do I remember when jamine testing came out mhm years ago was it 20086 yeah I think it was random first time in this is like way way ahead of schedule yeah do you guys have any stories with respect to you know I I can go through a Rolodex M person did this on this but is there any stories that have come through the clinic that are just near and dear to your heart stories of healing hope and change that you want to share with de viewers I think it’s really important for people to understand and know that like their story can fit inside this conversation yeah and they too have at this table and this opportunity regardless of what my past has told me specifically throughout my generational and more formidable years right right yeah I think I mean we have a lot of we have so many going through my Rolodex to kind of I you know we had a lot come through really over stimulated co uh because I mean there was just so much isolation and fear screen time yeah screen lots of kids on screen yeah I was SP War so I know like one in particular I’m thinking of came in really over stimulated um just wired to the wall um super stressed at work not in a very healthy relationship that was not very supportive to their lifestyle but also to their health um lots of drugs were involved lots of alcohol was involved um a really skewed view of their body Custom Body just more sure I would say um and really stepped into it I mean they came through the door and they were like okay let’s do it like let’s do the Jeep testing let’s do the blood work they do the blood work every three months on the dock taking b m stuff and they fall off every now and then oh I forgot to take all my sule and for like 3 weeks so like it’s all right we just get back on yeah no and definitely has found ways to cope with the stress of their job cuz I didn’t go away and they love their job so really is fun ways to cope with that and deal with it on a regular basis so it does that make come too much and knowing what medications work and what do the importance of sleep was I mean and now they’re done driving got out of the bad relationship really embracing friendships that are healthy know rely Less on drugs Less on you know people who are just really denting to their you know lifestyle and what they need so I mean I think that’s probably been my most recent patient who really do in and really embraced exercise sleep Stress Management medication reducing substances that are harmful all those different things right right and they were on board right from right from the starting game that
fun yes yeah the case I was thinking of um Bob that we met you know talked about yesterday he’s kind of on the other end um older gentleman who go he’s been coming to see me for a really long time um um successful attorney and took so long um you know just sitting in the what would you call precontemplative stage contemplative um really didn’t believe you know you how how important is the vitamin right you know and um seeing him evolve and bringing in the trauma piece you know being able to kind of um help him find the right therapist and then just over time in patients you know working with kayy getting educated planting seeds but uh change didn’t happen and then once everything just click for him it’s like seeing him now it’s like oh my yeah it’s so C and it’s like yeah his blood work looks probably better than mine yeah he’s he’s consistently feeling empowered and his marriage is healthier it’s just you know it’s like it all came together for him at the perfect time so there’s a lot of seed planting cuz sometimes um it can be easy to get for me anyway to get impatient and it’s kind of like oh I want to see change because it’s so cool when you know patients like the one Kaye describes where they come in they’re they’re ready they’re sick and tired being sick and tired and they’re ready to make the changes um yeah but those others were we just over time yeah keep saying same thing gentle encouragement it’s so cool how that the the people when you get to work with you all get to work you know when you when you talked about Bob I thought to myself my own story kind of in regards to Gabor M’s new book uh the noral yes and the myth of normal so often in our country in the United States is like you American dream is built with connectedness had submit the normal because if you were to put my speak for myself you put my resume on the street in 2016 I’m an aene normous CEO at company we built over you know 5 years of it’s blown up yeah but if you really knew my story you would know that my wife and I are disconnected as ever my kids are one and 2 years old like who are you but I go into the office and everybody’s like yeah recovery see yeah that why my world is falling apart in the background I also just want to bring that up as just an opportunity for people that you’re experiencing that because as a kid growing up in a lower C economic situation I believed wholeheartedly if I could get to the top of Pike’s Peak where the pot of gold was oh what I learned in the process wasy up there yeah and all of my friends and family were down on the ridge right and today because of healing uh through opportunities like you all are talking about I can see myself in a simplistic form on the Ridge and being like go get that pot of gold if you want it you can have it the pot of gold is nothing but a tool that’s not a gold want a left C it’s not all I know I know yeah and that you know we work with a fair number of I would say pretty you know upper middle upper class um and there’s a lot of that like they just drive themselves so hard and they have the American dream everything looks perfect but they they have this emptiness you know um and yeah they’ve got the money in the lifestyle which again is an amazing tool but if we make that our our goal and our sense of purpose and meaning so pretty over yeah with that experience I’ve ever turned on the TV as a kid I’m like war is better I know well every commercial that comes on bye bye bye is if you look like this then you’ll be happy you know you suicide read the fluid family systems is more than doubled out of the soci yeah that doesn’t surprise me at all no it doesn’t surprise me at all well before we end today Dr right I want you to introduce the viewers to some of the research that you’ve been working on what’s going I’m really excited about this that it’s thousands yes yes so we’re sitting on basically a a whole um pile of fantastic data you know with um blood work genetic you know test results um computerized testing that we do called uh90 um that we’re looking at um partnering you know with uh companies to be able to harvest that data and be able to start publishing which would be really cool because then we can start um educating more people on the patterns we see what we see works and to be able to you know show the data behind that and the Really rapid Improvement which is still kind of mindboggling to me compared to how my practice was so many years ago how long it took for our patients to get to that point of balance and now how quickly we can get there is that’s it really really cool and we used to think well no you understand treatment a year be it’s worth time and treatment it’s actually what turns out professionals don’t see themselves professionals and and other family uh focused people don’t see themselves inside a 45-day model right you don’t have the time to do this and so when we can sit in front of an outpatient provider who’s talking about full healing they get to as I said earlier see themselves inside that story people I think really want to heal yes they want to feel better they just don’t know that there’s a path a very inal and unique path to get them there right it’s just incredible and so often they have everything they need to be happy I know yeah yeah what is um uh I didn’t have your website up there but what your website yeah w W ww um. Center foress med.com centerfor stress.com check out Dr Sarat admy as well as kayy Myers I appreciate having you all on the show today thank you so well thank you we are so excited about Peaks recovery and everything you guys are doing thank you yeah it’s really awesome well awesome you guys have a great day thank you so much thanks you too [Music] peace [Music] you