How To Get A Spouse Into Rehab
Having a spouse who has an addiction problem is a tough situation to be in. You love them and know they can do better but aren’t quite sure how to go about getting them the help they need. It’s important to learn more about the addiction they’re facing, how it’s impacting your marriage, and the best way to get a spouse into rehab. Continue reading for tips and advice on the topic so you can continue to build a beautiful life together and get your loved one the help they need to live a healthy lifestyle.
How Alcoholism Can Affect A Marriage
Alcoholism can affect a marriage in many different ways. You may find that your spouse no longer has an interest in activities you used to do together or as a family. When it comes to marriage and addiction, they may start to plan everything around how they can get their next drink or drinking in general. You may discover that you fight or argue more or that they become agitated or even violent when they drink, which will take a toll on your marriage over time. There may be emotional instability or unavailability and you might find you have a less fulfilling sex life. You may also come to find your spouse is unreliable at completing household tasks and chores or that they begin to have problems at work.
Signs Your Spouse is Struggling with Addiction
There are also many signs to be on the lookout for as you try to determine if your spouse is struggling with addiction, such as alcoholism. You may begin to notice they have physical health problems such as with their concentration and thinking and weight. Another sign is that your spouse may have a reduced interest in personal self-care and maintenance, which also goes hand-in-hand with a loss of interest in activities they once enjoyed. There may be a change in overall attitude and you might begin to see warning signs regarding mental health decline and problems. Unfortunately, if it gets bad enough they may begin to skip showing up for work or encounter legal problems.
How to Confront Your Spouse About Their Addiction
One reason you may be brushing the problem aside or not addressing it is that you’re unsure of how to confront your spouse about their addiction. You may be hurting, too, and want to make sure you don’t take out your anger on them. Before confronting your spouse about their addiction, it’s wise to practice what you’re going to say and make sure you’re set up for success. For instance, don’t be afraid to take this step and remember that the situation won’t improve unless you do. Be prepared by getting the facts straight, outlining your thoughts in advance, and have ideas for a solution. Also, have compassion and empathy about what they’re going through. Remember that it isn’t easy for either of you. Finally, hold your ground and avoid letting them convince you that there’s not a real issue going on here.
Enabling Your Spouse & Co-Dependency
Another question that may be on your mind is how to tell if you’re supporting your partner versus enabling them. Signs that you’re enabling your spouse with their addiction are if you’re lying, making excuses, and creating explanations for your spouse about why they’re acting the way they are or doing what they’re doing.
Codependency is when a loved one is dependent on another in a partnership. You may find you lose yourself in an effort to save your spouse from their addiction or try to retain feelings of power in the relationship. You must set healthy boundaries for yourself, let your spouse take responsibility for their choices, and give yourself time for your own stress management activities.
Next Steps & Taking Action
You don’t want to see your spouse struggling any longer and understand they need an intervention such as alcohol rehab or drug rehab. Ultimately, you want to see your spouse heal and get better and live a long and fulfilling life. You also want to ensure that your marriage stays intact and that you take the proper action to get them the help they need. When you’re ready, the first step to take is to get your spouse into inpatient rehab. Peaks Recovery Centers in Colorado Springs, Colorado provides the highest level of addiction rehab and mental health programming. Peaks provide a full continuum of addiction treatment services; including medical detox and inpatient residential services. Call us and speak to one of the admissions specialists. In the meantime, you can check out more about the admissions process on the Peaks Recovery website.