Motivational Interviewing
What Is Motivational Interviewing?
Motivational Interviewing is a psychotherapeutic approach that helps individuals resolve doubtfulness, insecurities, and indecisiveness by replacing it with motivation to change their behavior. The clinician encourages patients to discuss their need for change and reasons for change. The clinician then reflects on the patient’s reasoning and motivation for change so that the patient can hear the appropriateness of their reasoning. MI is more goal-focused and strives to overcome ambivalence. MI therapy is an established evidence-based therapy in the treatment of those with substance abuse disorders or mental health disorders.
How Motivational Interviewing Works
MI helps individuals who lack the willpower to deal with change. The two sides of MI are, first, increase and re-establish one’s motivation into themselves. Next is to commit to the change, which has been proven to help people make those changes. Therapists do not force change but instead have individuals accept their thoughts and feelings to motivate self-change.
How Can We Help
Substance Use Disorders
Peaks Recovery’s full continuum of care can treat many addictions, such as alcohol, opioids, heroin, cocaine, meth, Xanax, marijuana, prescription, and other substances that are abused and addictive.
Co-Occurring Disorders
Co-Occurring disorders are any combination of two or more substance use and mental health disorders. Treating CODs require a sophisticated approach to treat the whole person.
Mental Health Disorders
We treat individuals suffering from a primary mental health diagnosis (with no addictions) such as depression, trauma, anxiety, bipolar, and others.