Myths About Therapy
Despite therapy being an established part of the medical landscape, it has a nasty habit of attracting myths. Lack of understanding and the fear of the unknown can cause people to imagine all sorts of things that aren’t true about it.
Unfortunately, many of us imbibe these myths from friends, colleagues, and family. We can come to believe that therapy is something “bad” or only for certain people, ensuring we miss out on the benefits it offers.
This post aims to dispel some of those myths. You’ll learn who therapy is for and why you don’t need to have something wrong with you to do it.
Myth 1: People Are Forced Into Therapy
Many people imagine therapists as shady people who profit from the medical establishment. These unscrupulous individuals interrogate and electrocute patients in mental hospitals for years on end for a paycheck.
But that’s not the reality. Nobody can force anyone into therapy. Instead, it is something people go to voluntarily.
For example, a person experiencing anxiety or depression might explore therapy as an option for mitigating symptoms or getting to the root of their mental disturbance. It could also be helpful for individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or addictions looking for assistance.
Myth 2: Only “Crazy” People Do Therapy
Another myth is the idea that only “crazy” people do therapy. Again, some people are in the habit of imagining it’s only for severely disturbed individuals and nobody else.
However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Therapy is for everyone.
The reason for this has to do with the nature of life itself. Everyone experiences pain, loss, grief, and mental suffering at some point. Because of this, going to therapy is like going to the gym. It’s about supporting your overall well-being, even if there are hurdles and challenges.
As you will discover, therapy is a collaborative process. You and your therapist work together to set goals and identify strategies that improve your life. By the end of it, you could feel like a changed person, even if you don’t feel there are any serious mental health issues affecting you.
Myth 3: Something Is Wrong With People Who Go To Therapy
A third myth is that there is something wrong with people who go to therapy. Many people imagine that individuals use these services as a last resort when their entire life is collapsing around them.
This thinking makes people more prone to avoiding therapy altogether. Going for treatment seems like an admission that you are also one of those people.
But, again, it’s not true. Healthy individuals with regular lives go to therapy like a personal trainer. Trained and licensed therapists can help them improve their outlook and live the best way possible. Professionals can also help them break free of addictive or destructive patterns of behavior that might hold them back.
Myth 4: You Have To Go Through A Tragedy Or Crisis To Go To Therapy
Finally, many people believe that you only need to go to therapy if you go through some major crisis or tragedy. It’s for people who have lost a loved one or spent years being abused as children.
But while therapy can certainly help these individuals, it is also beneficial for those with better life circumstances. Even if you have money, a secure family, and great work, you can still find value in therapy. Therapists can help you unearth the reasons behind negative feelings or behavior patterns, helping you become happier.
Get The Help You Need From Peaks Recovery Today
Many people who struggle with addiction can benefit immensely from therapy. Compassionate professionals assist in identifying the triggers of substance use and probing solutions.
Moreover, a caring relationship is essential when going through rehabilitation. Having someone there to support you and provide assistance when you need it most helps you get your life back on track.
That’s where Peaks Recovery can help. Our clinic goes beyond providing medical assistance and includes complementary talk therapies. These improve the likelihood of overcoming addiction (or preventing it from taking over your life).
If you’d like to start your journey with us, reach out to our friendly team. We’d love to discuss your options and show you how you can break free from addiction and live the life you want.
To get in touch and speak to a specialist about admissions, call 855-222-1610.
Medical Disclaimer: Peaks Recovery Centers uses fact-based content about recovery treatment, addiction medicine, and behavioral health conditions to improve the quality of life for those struggling with drug and alcohol addiction or mental health disorders. This information is not intended to replace professional medical guidance, diagnosis, care, or treatment. This information should not be used as a substitute for advice from a qualified healthcare provider and/or your physician.