Episode 129

Focusing on Quality and Care First with Cynthia Baker

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In this episode, Chris Burns sits with Cynthia Baker, Chief Clinical Officer of The Raleigh House, in an open discussion surrounding the treatment industry. With professional insight and personal testimonies, this conversation spans from focusing on individualized approaches to care and the clear benefits of looking into the role that nutrition plays not only during a treatment stay but also in everyday life. A huge thank you to the Raleigh House and Cynthia for being disruptors in this industry and for sharing insights and information on how we can continue the best experience for clients as we walk them through their recovery.

Talking Points

  1. Meet Cynthia Baker (1:05)
  2. The Raleigh Houses approach to care (2:30)
  3. Disrupting the industry (4:35)
  4. Individualized approach to care (6:50)
  5. Center for Integrated Behavioral Health (11:33)
  6. Addiction and mental health conditions (14:33)
  7. Nutrition in recovery (15:15)
  8. Cynthia’s “why” (22:30)
  9. Closing thoughts (25:16)


“Whether they are coming in for substance use or not, we know that the evidence used to say that mental health, addiction, and somewhere in the middle is co-occurring. The evidence says that’s out the door now. That it is basically one whole grouping”
-Cynthia Baker, The Raleigh House 

Episode Transcripts