Types of Addiction Treatment Scams
After accepting that you have a problematic relationship with drugs or alcohol, seeking an addiction treatment program that can help you achieve sustained sobriety is the top item on your agenda. Sadly, this eagerness to improve your life may put you in a vulnerable position, not least because scam artists are ready to pounce.
The harsh reality is that scammers know that there is money to be made by preying on individuals who are willing to try anything to regain control of their life. Avoiding this issue at all costs is a must.
The Most Common Addiction Treatment Scams
Body Brokering
Entering a good rehab center can be the ticket to getting clean. Sadly, the only beneficiaries of fraudulent centers are the scam artists themselves. Body brokering is a tactic where they prey on individuals who have an addiction and are covered by good insurance. They make their money but have no intention of helping the patients. Instead, they actively try to keep them addicted to prolong the duration of the scam. In some cases, patients may stay for years without ever getting the help they require.
Client Enticement
Client enticement, also known as patient enticement, is when a center incentivizes an individual with free gifts, food, or rent, which IS NOT ALLOWED. This is often used to entice patients from legitimate centers. Again, these scam centers are only interested in getting clients so that they can make their money through private payments or insurance cover. The treatment services are never truly designed to support the patient.
Listing Theft
Listing theft is a scam that attacks other businesses rather than patients directly. However, the addicts get caught up in the process as they end up seeking support from a center that isn’t the one they intended to join. In short. Listing theft involves scammers changing the details on a rehab center’s directory listings with the sole aim of stealing clients. This allows them to boost their client base and revenue despite not offering the same level of service as the center they’ve hijacked.
Misrepresentation of Services
A misrepresentation of services could involve promoting treatments or facilities that are not available. Alternatively, inaccurate details may be given in regards to accreditation or staff qualifications. All of these features can result in paying excessive fees for an inadequate service that additionally offers very little chance of achieving sustained sobriety. Likewise, the reduced efficiency of treatments can mean that patients stay longer, meaning an even greater cost and longer wait before returning to a healthy lifestyle.
Insurance Overbilling
Insurance overbilling is where a company purposely overcharges insurance companies for patient services. In many cases, they will conduct treatments that the patient doesn’t need solely so that they can scam the insurance firm for money. Patients may therefore undergo rine tests or therapy sessions that they don’t even need. Moreover, their insurance premiums will naturally rise as a direct result of the high costs while some insurance firms will also stop payouts once a certain threshold has been surpassed.
Client Privacy Violations
Patient privacy is paramount for anyone entering a rehab or recovery center. As such, any legit business will take data protection very seriously. Sadly, some fraudulent companies are happy to violate HIPAA regulations and actively sell your personal data for marketing purposes. The insights into your health, treatment, and addiction can be used by many companies – including those that will try to sell alcohol, prescription drugs, and other substances.
Insurance Fraud
Insurance fraud can manifest in several ways. Most commonly, though, patients are unknowingly enrolled onto premium plans that offer more coverage than needed and may even be signed up under false addresses. The rehab center will get paid at a higher rate, which ultimately falls on the client. Moreover, if the fraudulent activity becomes known, the patient is often held at least partially accountable.
Get The Help You Deserve
While there are plenty of scams out there, help is still available for the 21 million Americans who have at least one addiction. The key is to find a reputable, accredited, and highly professional service that treats both drug and alcohol abuse as well as co-occurring mental health issues.
Peaks Recovery in Colorado offers a personalized and holistic approach that covers a range of treatments including inpatient care. Contact us today.